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User's reviews

  • Sterling Tea


    Very over rated & over Priced!!! I personally found the same teas that this shop claims to blend themselves at several different tea suppliers in the Metroplex area!!! For a lot less money!

    Tearoom response:

    Dear Maria

    Thank you for visiting our teashop in Rockwall. Chances are you have come across our Sterling tea blends in various locations, as our wholesale division sells and private labels tea to restaurants, spas, and gourmet shops throughout the metroplex and across the United States.

    If you find yourself in the Rockwall area again, we invite you to come back and try some of our new and unique blends. We enjoy visiting with our customers and appreciate their input.

    Be Well-

    Angela McWilliams

    V.P. Operations

    Sterling Tea

    'Infusing Pure Pleasure'